Crushing Our Summer Goals

Our church is into goal setting.  I mean, really into goal setting!  You’d think it was in the Bible somewhere.  You can’t hang around very long without someone making a growth plan for you - helping you uncover your life passions and translating them into realistic, measurable goals.  I guess after two years it’s starting to rub off on us.

This year we decided to be a little more intentional about our summer plans.  We actually sat down together and made a list (which I then lost, more than twice) of all the things we wanted to do as a family this summer.  Some of you know that Nick and I are not awesome at these kinds of conversations.  But we are growing!!  There’s that growth word again…

And so far with the summer just past the halfway point, we are crushing our list of summer goals.

Here’s what we’ve crossed off so far:
       Take a boat ride
       Have an awesome vacation in Michigan
       Go berry picking
       Visit Maudslay State Park
       Father Son Camping
       Eat ice cream at Kell’s Creamery

We still have a few ambitious goals left:
       Take the kids for a swan boat ride at the Boston Public Gardens
       Go swimming in a pool (we still haven’t taken Moses swimming!)
       Visit a zoo (we still haven’t taken Moses to a zoo – how is this possible?!?)
       See a North Shore Navigators baseball game
       Go to the New England Aquarium
       Visit the Boston Harbor Islands
      □       Score some free peaches from the secret community orchard Nick found in Danvers

We’ll have to see how many we can cross off before the first day of autumn.

Here's the peach orchard.  We were too early for the peaches last time, so I guess we'll just have to go back again :)

