5 Things for Your Friday

I was surprised to learn this week that August 7th is the official mid-point of summer. In other words, summer is only half over!

Most years I get to the end of summer feeling like we didn't take full advantage of it, but this year I definitely feel like we're getting the most out of it! Between camping trips, beach meet-ups with friends, nature hikes, strawberry shortcake on the lawn, and afternoons at the pool we are living it up this summer :)

This weekend should be more of the same. Beautiful weather, park playdates with friends and hopefully some good down time as well!

Here are some of the things I've been reading and thinking about this week:

Your Children Need a Prayer Warrior More than a teacher, our children need a prayer warrior! I loved this encouragement that if we want our parenting to have an eternal impact we cannot neglect to pray for our kids.

How to Bounce Back After Life Interrupts Your Homeschool Life has derailed my homeschool more than once. These tips from my friend, Emily, are a great inspiration to just keep moving forward.

Understanding Learning Intelligences & How They Impact Your Homeschool I've learned the hard way that it doesn't matter how awesome a curriculum is if it doesn't match your child's learning style (and your teaching style). Any time we spend understanding how our children learn is time well spent!

Our AP Exam Experience It's always great to know what to expect from homeschoolers who have gone before you. I so appreciated reading this family's experience with the AP Mandarin Chinese exam.

For the Woman Whose Husband Doesn't Go to Church Anymore These words made me feel so seen. Having a spouse who has walked away from their faith is a special kind of grief that most people don't recognize or know how to respond to.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, friends!


  1. Loved reading this round-up... I especially appreciated For the Woman Whose Husband Doesn't Go to Church Anymore. I read it when you shared it on Twitter earlier in the week and it was such a timely encouragement that spoke to our journey as church planters and who God has called us to reach. <3

    1. That's so good to hear, Emily! Thank you for the work you're doing to make church a safe and welcoming place for those who feel lost and alone.


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