Merry Christmas from Team Otto!

Merry Christmas, friends!  We hope your Christmas festivities were full of fun this year.  This was the first Christmas where Moses was really able to anticipate the joy of the season, which translated into an incredibly special day.  He also seemed to be infected with an extra dose of the Christmas spirit because he was exceptionally kind and affectionate toward his sister starting at church Christmas Eve and carrying throughout the next day.  Moses loved all his presents, so much so that when he had opened about 1/3 of them, he wanted to stop unwrapping and just play with all the fun things he had already gotten.  What a cutie! 

Abigail quickly got the hang of opening presents and asserting her ownership of her belongings with a loud "Hey!  HEY!!!" anytime Moses touched her gifts.  I realized where she gets this tendency when I started to scold her for saying "Hey" so much and the first word out of my mouth was "Hey". Hmmm...

After opening all the presents, we decided to take the kids out into the 65 degree sunshine for a 2.5 mile hike at our favorite park.  Probably won't become a Christmas tradition, but this year it worked!  After the hike Abigail was so exhausted she went to bed at 4 pm and slept all through the night :) While she slept Moses and Nick spent the afternoon building castles.  We finished our Christmas by letting Moses be "in charge" of making a birthday cake for Jesus. 

Here are some pictures from Christmas Day.  They are all basically variations of me in my PJs holding a gift-opening child which probably won't be that exciting, unless you're a grandparent ;) 
