Family Adventure - John F. Kennedy's Birthplace

Somewhere along the line Moses heard mention of the JFK assassination and his curiosity was piqued. So for the last 2 months we've put our regularly scheduled history studies on hold and dove deep into the world of John F. Kennedy. One of my favorite things about homeschooling! We can follow wherever our interests lead us.

Since we live only about an hour away from his birthplace, a visit was definitely in order. We saw the bed where John F. Kennedy was born - the farther away of the two in the picture below. They put Rose in this bed to deliver because it was closer to the window so the doctor could have better light.

We also saw the dining room where the family had their meals and the nursery where Jack played as a young boy before the family moved to a larger house around the corner. Moses and Abigail were really interested in the ranger tour.

Moses asked if Kick was born in this house and was excited to learn that she was (she's his favorite Kennedy).

Abigail was most interested in the old recordings of Rose narrating what the family did in different rooms of the house. 

The tour ended with a video about JFK's life that had the kids spellbound. After hearing snippets of Kennedy's speeches, Moses is now weaving "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country" into casual conversation, and Abigail loves to bust out "not because it is easy, but because it is haaaahd" in her adorable Boston accent.  

The kids loved recreating the iconic photo of older brother Joe, holding the hand of his younger brother, John, and squeezing maybe a little too tight. 

Image result for picture of kennedy children joe holding john's hand
The enthusiasm for all things JFK doesn't look like it's fading anytime soon, so we've got a visit to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston planned to join in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing

Our favorite JFK books so far have been Jack's Path of Courage by Doreen Rappaport and Who Was John F. Kennedy? by Yona Zeldis McDonough. 

I'd love to find some videos that delve into the assassination in a kid appropriate way. Let me know if you have any recommendations :) 

Happy adventuring to you all!
