Weekend Reading 06.21.19

We're off to see the Red Sox tonight. It'll be our first time. Amazing that in this sports-obsessed town we've made it over 10 years without attending a major sporting event. Our streak ends tonight :)

After that we've got what looks to be a gorgeous weekend of kayaking with friends and romping at the park. I'm so looking forward to it!

Here's some of the resources that have been filling me up and making me think this week. I hope you find something here to inspire you!

I dove into Jamie C. Martin's new book, Introverted Mom, this week, and it is a treasure. Not only does she offer great wisdom on how to stay sane as an introverted homeschooling mom, but she shares inspiration from the lives of four of her favorite authors - Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, L. M. Montgomery, and Laura Ingalls Wilder. My literature-loving heart jumped for joy when I realized these literary friends of mine would be joining us for this journey through the ins and outs of introversion.
Introverted Mom: Your Guide to More Calm, Less Guilt, and Quiet Joy [Book]

The Stay at Home Mom's Guide to Summer I so needed these words this week. Leave space for rest days, set summer goals, institute a weekly cleaning day, and more. I definitely need these reminders all year round, not just in the summer.

Joy Harjo Becomes the First Native American U.S. Poet Laureate What a great choice for the next poet laureate. As we study Early American history, it's so important to me that we honor Native American  perspectives, but I'm embarrassed to say that it's never occurred to me to include Native voices in our poetry studies. Joy Harjo's Eagle Poem will definitely be joining our morning time. I can't wait to read more of her poems!

We started this Summer Reading Challenge a few days ago. I'd love for you to join us! Abigail has already completed her '3 Books in a Series' category by reading all the Anatole books. Has this sweet little mouse made it into your picture book rotation yet? Out of print, but check your library. Anatole is so worth inviting to your read aloud party.

I love these strategies for Homeschooling a House Full of Kids. Even though I only have two, it sure feels pretty full most days. We all know we need to keep the essentials front and center in our homeschool rhythm, but as far as how to actually do that, that's where it gets tricky. This article has some great suggestions.

Have you met the Frugalwoods yet? Liz shared on the Sage Family Podcast recently about how she and her husband left their faced paced lives in Boston to create a slower, more intentional life in rural Vermont where they are now on a path of simple living and gentle parenting.  I've come to realize it's essential for me to hear these stories of others crafting a purposeful life on a regular basis to counteract the pull of materialism and comparison. I finished the episode and immediately listened again.

I hope you and your family have a lovely weekend full of all the things that fill you up!


  1. Those sound like great reads! We've never made it to any sort of major sporting event either but we have heard wonderful things about Red Sox games. Thanks so much for sharing with us Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.


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