Right Now

These days our afternoons follow one of three patterns.

Sunny and cool: 

Come home from work. Pile in the car. Drive to our favorite forested estate. Luxuriate in the greenery. Spend the afternoon climbing trees, catching frogs, playing with other people's dogs, smelling flowers, chasing butterflies, and digging in the dirt until dusk. Eat veggie sticks and clementines for dinner. Arrive home dirty, bug bitten and tired. Collapse in contented exhaustion.

Sunny and warm:

Come home from work. Pile in the car. Drive to the beach. Luxuriate in the sunshine. Spend the afternoon climbing cliffs, searching for shells, playing with other people's dogs, crashing through waves, and writing our names in the sand until dusk. Lament that Mom forgot to bring the beach toys. Again. Eat ice cream cones for dinner. Arrive home sandy, sun burnt and tired. Collapse in contented exhaustion.


Come home from work. Put in a load of laundry. Bake cookies. Make tea. Read piles of story books. Take baths. Eat whatever happens to be in the fridge for dinner because we haven't gone to the grocery store in ages since we're too busy going to the beach and the forest and the last thing on anyone's mind is meal planning. Cuddle under the covers and read more stories until dusk. Try in vain to get two not-very-tired kids to fall asleep. Break up sibling squabbles. Cuddle some more. Drift off to sleep murmuring about Lego sets to buy, pets to acquire, and money making schemes to enact in order to finance set pets and Lego sets.

In other words, summer is my favorite and can these days never end? Please? Thank you.
