Family Adventure - Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

The longer I homeschool the more I'm convinced that when it's a 60 degree day in November, you scrap whatever school you have planned and head outside. We ventured to one of our favorite spots, a bird sanctuary about 30 minutes from home. As we strolled through miles of forest trails, leaves fell softly all around us and Abigail kicked off her boots to squish through the mud as she chased after them.  
We brought birdseed along and tried not to squeal and wiggle as chickadees and tufted titmice ate right from our hands.
We walked along a boardwalk through coastal marshlands with dozens of ducks swimming alongside us, quacking away. 
And finally we found  our way to the rockery, a huge heap of boulders arranged in tunnels, towers, and secret passageways just perfect for hours of pretend play magic. 

The three hours we spent at the sanctuary weren't nearly enough. By the end both kids were shirtless, sweaty and covered with mud, but smiling from ear to ear. I'm so glad I heeded the little voice in my head that whispered as we headed out the door, "Are you sure you don't want to bring extra clothes?" I hope this won't be our last visit before the winter snows set in, but at this point in the year I don't take any good-weather days for granted!


  1. I agree - take the opportunities to get outdoors and have fun like that when you can! There will be lots of days when it's more comfortable to learn indoors. :-) Thanks for linking up!

    1. Good point, Kym! Every day since then has been cold and rainy so I'm glad we took advantage.

  2. Oh yes, we do the same thing! At least twice this week we set aside the bulk of our school work to head outside while we still can. It looks like an amazing place to explore.

    1. Yes! It's one of my favorite things about homeschooling - being able to drop everything just because we can.


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