Easter Fun

It was a gorgeous day for an Easter egg hunt today, and we happened upon one put on by a nearby church that was extremely well done. Abigail cleaned up in the four and under division, and Moses had a good time of it with the older kids. He brought his binoculars to help him find the eggs (and size up the competition). Abigail enjoyed holding a baby chick and a rabbit, which were swaddled in blankets so that you could only see their faces. Apparently that's how the city folk do it! And we also got popcorn, cotton candy and some seriously tasty slush. True to form, Abigail enjoyed all the excitement considerably more than Moses, but both kids really impressed me with their good behavior and great attitudes. Maybe we are entering that golden age of parenting everyone keeps telling me about?! At any rate, awesome weather + awesome fun + awesome attitudes + awesome treats = an excellent outing in this mama's book. I hope you and your family are enjoying a sweet Easter season as well!
