Abigail, You Continue to Steal Our Hearts!

We love that your favorite activity hanging from the kitchen drawers as if they are a trapeze.

We love that you have perfected the somersault and will throw one down anytime the mood strikes, hardwood floors and paper-thin carpeting be damned.

We love that your favorite book is Where the Wild Things Are, and we can almost see the words, "Let the wild rumpus start!" flashing in your eyes when we lift you from your crib each morning.

We love that when you are hungry for attention you crawl into our laps and pretend to be a kitty, meowing sweetly and nuzzling our cheeks with your baby-soft skin.

We love that your favorite phrases are "NO HELPING!!" (as in 'I'll do it all by myself, thank you very much!') and "I hold that? I HOLD that!!"(as in 'Fork over whatever you're holding NOW...please?).

We love that you seemingly refuse to refer to your dear older sibling by his actual name and instead our days resound with "Please, Bruddah!", "Sorry, Bruddah!" and "Tank You, Bruddah!"

You are our joy!
