Yes, it's been a big week for Team Otto. This big girl decided to wean
herself, and Moses crossed over into the land of the potty trained. Milestones all around!
Last week Abigail developed a sudden attachment/obsession with the stuffed creature you see here. It looks like a cross between a dog, a rabbit and a bear and in our house it goes by Gaga. Gaga goes with her everywhere: into the cereal bowl, onto the beach, up and down the playground slides. Fortunately she has another stuffed dog that she is equally attached to so Gaga #1 can take a bath occasionally. At any rate as soon as the Gaga obsession developed, Abigail decided she was completely done with nursing and had much more important things to do with her time. SO refreshingly different from the drama that transpired when we weaned Moses!!
And let's not forget this handsome little man!
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