Adventures with Wiggles and Giggles

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who made our trip to Michigan so special!  It was wonderful to visit with many of you in person.  We had a very relaxing and fun time enjoying your company, and all that beautiful green grass which is so hard to come by in our neck of the woods :) 

We'd love to share with you some of our other fun adventures so far this summer!

[If our kids ever decide to run away from home and join the circus, they've already got their names and most of their act worked out.  Can you guess who is Wiggles, and who is Giggles?  It may not be what you think!  Actually they are BOTH pretty wiggly and giggly, but if you get mixed up Moses will be happy to set you straight.  He also likes to lovingly refer to the children of Team Otto as "you little shrimp" and the "big whale.  That one is a little easier to figure out...]

1. A free ride on the Lynn Ferry

Lynn just unveiled a ferry to Boston, and we jumped on that band wagon the first week when service was free.  How our city is going to support a ferry at $7 per person per ride remains to be seen, but we made sure to get our ride in before this enterprise collapses!  Abigail revealed her thrill-seeking nature as she wanted to be outside in the cold rain and stiff breeze the entire time.  Moses was content to romp around the interior with an occasional poke of his nose out the door.

2. Shepherding at the cemetery

This has been a favorite activity for Moses and me since the weather warmed up.  We walk a few blocks to the local cemetery, which is beautifully landscaped and has more green space than most parks around.  Moses typically brings a few trucks or tractors.  Then we hang out at a rocky spot where he tends to his sheep.  They are all named either Sheepy or Baba.  The "sheep" are the smaller, portable rocks.  You'll see Sheepy in the dump truck below :)  He makes up elaborate story lines involving the sheep and their antics, many of which involve the sheep jumping off a cliff and dying (meaning, he drags a stone to the top of the rock pile and heaves it off with all his might).  Usually Abigail dozes off during our trek to the cemetery so Moses and I get some nice quality time to ourselves.

3. Maudslay State Park in Newburyport

This place has been on Nick's Boston bucket list for a long time, and we finally made it there on a gorgeous summer day.  We wandered through meadows, forests, and gardens, enjoying lots of beautiful scenery and some rousing games of Red Light, Green Light.  Then we stumbled upon a free children's theater production that kept both kids entranced for 45 minutes and had bubbles for the kids to play with at intermission.  The only down side to an otherwise perfect day was Moses having an accident in his underwear and then running away from us without his pants on!! through a field where a wedding was being conducted.  Oh my!  One more anecdote to add to our collection of potty training mishaps.  Crossing our fingers that his naked behind didn't make it into any of the pictures!  We haven't attempted any undiapered outings since :)
