
We've had a lot to party about in the Otto house in the last month!

Moses turning three

Mommy turning thirty

Abigail turning one


And Nick getting his long-awaited and hard-earned mental health license!!!

Here are some of my favorite moments of the last month:

Turning thirty was wonderful!  Nick and Moses had fun surprising me with a super yummy cake, flowers, and a Snoopy card that Moses picked about "all by mee-self".   The best part was when I told my entire small group that my birthday was a week earlier than it actually was and they promptly began planning me a party.  It wasn't until 9:30 pm the night before my supposed "birthday" that Nick kindly informed me that I had to wait a whole week before turning thirty.  Those were some embarrassing late night phone calls :)  It makes a nice story to add to my collection of birthday mishaps including the year I turned 27 and I told everyone I was 26 for the entire year, only to be completely shocked upon turning 28!!

Celebrating Easter with the kiddos was a lot of fun.  My favorite part was trying to explain the significance of Easter to Moses.  It went something like this:

Moses:  What is Easter for?  The Easter bunny???
Mom: No! Easter is when we celebrate that Jesus is alive.
Moses:  Cheese-ness is alive?!?!?
Mom: No! Not cheese-ness!  Jesus!! Remember him?
Moses: Oh. Yeah, yeah.  Ok.

Maybe next year I will be better at explaining :)

Abigail was a very sweet birthday girl.  She has really taken off with walking and is coming up with lots of cute words and phrases.  The week of her birthday she cut three new teeth to go with the two she already on bottom.  Apparently that means she is ready to eat whatever mom and dad are eating because she has completely had it with baby food.  Here's Abigail enjoying her birthday candle.


  1. A huge congratulations to all you and especially Nick getting his license! Woot woot! Love you guys! -Philly Bownes


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