Happy Autumn!

Last week we were lucky enough that to have one beautiful fall day in the midst of all the rain.  And it just so happened that on that particular day the computers were down at Nick's office, meaning he couldn't do any work :)  So we decided to take a family outing to the apple orchard.

I must say that in the opinion of this Midwesterner, New Englanders are slightly obsessed with apple picking, especially those with small children.  Honestly I don't see the appeal in dragging your toddler through a muddy orchard to collect apples that are going to cost you twice as much as those in the store!  But I can appreciate the beauty of sipping hot apple cider amd munching on donuts while your cute kiddo tries to talk to the farm animals :)  So that's what we did!

 Checking out the duck pond

 The turkeys that were so fat they could barely move were his favorite

 Sadly he was less interested in this cute fuzzy little goat

 The old farm truck kept his attention for quite a while

Raiding the farm store
