The Twelve Month Appointment, Take Two

We went back to our pediatrician this week so Moses could get his weight checked again and get his 12 month vaccinations. This visit went so much better than the previous one! Moses weighed 21 pounds, 5 ounces - a full two pounds more than two weeks before.

Moses had a full lab work up at the previous visit and nothing was found to be abnormal, so his doctor suggested the drop in weight was due to the hand, foot and mouth virus. I suspect it had more to do a problem with the scale or a mistake by the nurse doing the weighing. I guess we will never know for sure, but either way we are glad that he is back on target with his growth.

All the sores from the hand foot and mouth disease are healed, and there was no mention of the so-called verbal delay.

This is the kind of visit I was expecting to have when I took Moses in two weeks ago - a healthy, happy baby! I guess the moral of the story is if your child's measurements are a lot different than you expected, ask for a recheck before you leave the office. Live and learn :)
