Since our Christmas holidays will be packed with travel and family gatherings, Nick and I decided we needed to have a little Christmas celebration of our own before the madness begins.
We started off by feasting on Beef Wellington, Sauteed Kale, and Apple Squash Soup. Yum! Moses got Cheerios, poor guy.

Then we made a totally unsuccessful attempt to take a family picture.
First we tried the "hold out your arm as far as you can" method.

Next we tried the self-timer with mixed results. Moses was slightly dazed by all the flashing lights.

Then Moses decided to jump up and down every time he saw the camera flashing. Grr!

At that point we decided to give up on the family picture and move on to the presents!

Moses was more interested in climbing on the packages than opening them...

Nick and I each got one gift for each other and one for Moses. Nick got a collapsible umbrella stroller for Moses and I to take on the bus and a beautiful cashmere sweater for me. Did I mention his budget for Christmas gifts was $25? Yes, my husband is an amazing bargain shopper!

We started off by feasting on Beef Wellington, Sauteed Kale, and Apple Squash Soup. Yum! Moses got Cheerios, poor guy.
Then we made a totally unsuccessful attempt to take a family picture.
First we tried the "hold out your arm as far as you can" method.
Next we tried the self-timer with mixed results. Moses was slightly dazed by all the flashing lights.
Then Moses decided to jump up and down every time he saw the camera flashing. Grr!
At that point we decided to give up on the family picture and move on to the presents!
Moses was more interested in climbing on the packages than opening them...
Nick and I each got one gift for each other and one for Moses. Nick got a collapsible umbrella stroller for Moses and I to take on the bus and a beautiful cashmere sweater for me. Did I mention his budget for Christmas gifts was $25? Yes, my husband is an amazing bargain shopper!
WOAH. Since when are you guys such fancy chefs. I am super impressed. And I hope little M got to keep the boxes to play in, too! :)