Hi friends! We are happy to report that Moses is doing much better on the digestive front. Today marks a full week since he has had any blood in his diapers (this is pretty significant for him since just a few weeks ago he was passing blood several times a day). This morning we made the trek back to Mass General in Boston to meet with the Pediatric GI Specialist who confirmed that Moses is on the right track and we do not need to make any more diet changes. The specialist, Dr. Katz, recommended that I continue with the present dietary restrictions for another two months, and then we can start to reintroduce the foods I eliminated one by one and see how Moses' digestive system reacts. He also gave us the go ahead to start with rice cereal and other non-allergenic fruits and vegetables next month. Nick and I are so thankful for the many of you who have been praying for Moses to get better, and we praise God for his healing!
AWESOME! This is very very very good news. So glad that all your efforts are producing good results. And glad for you two that you finally know that he is feeling good! We love you all and miss you. Glad to know that lil' Mo is doing a bit better these days. love, the not-so-boston Bownes